June 11, 2017

Date Nights Help Marriages Last



Go on a date with hubby? Really? Haven’t we been married too long to date?

NO WAY! According to the National Healthy Marriage Resource Center, some of the core characteristics of a healthy marriage are positive communication, commitment to each other and spending enjoyable time together.

What better way to show your spouse that you are committed to him than by making time to go out for a couple hours to rekindle the connection which bound you together years ago.

“Tom and I make date night a priority, because it gives us the opporunity to stay connected. To have an uninterupted conversation is priceless,” said Jill F., Sheboygan, Wis. “Tom and I usually enjoy a nice quiet dinner together at our favorite restaurant. Usually a good two-to-three hours is all we need to feel reconnected and refreshed.”

Marita B. of Westerville, Ohio, thinks that making date time with her husband, Greg, a priority demonstrates to the children that Mom and Dad love each other and care about spending time with one another.

“I think it is far too easy to get caught up in being parents to your children and losing your identitiy as a couple. I know of far too many couples who divorce soon after their children reach adulthood and leave the nest. How sad! I don’t want Greg and I to suffer that fate,” Marita said. “We make sure to carve out time here and there to remind ourselves that underneath our Mom and Dad hats, Greg and Marita are still there and can still have fun together and enjoy each other’s company when it is just the two of us.”

There’s no need to feel guilt for leaving the children in someone else’s hands for a few hours.

“We do so much for the kids and with the kids that I don’t feel guilty having a night or weekend just to ourselves,” said Jaimie K., Plymouth, Wis. “I think it makes me feel more well rounded as a mom if Zach and I can go to dinner, to a movie or out with friends.”

The few hours away will not only rejuvenate you, but can be a lot of fun for the kids too.

Marita said that her children love spending the night at their grandparents when she and Greg have date night. “It’s a win-win,” she said.

If overnight specials and a night on the town are not options, Jill suggested hanging out after the kids are in bed by turning off the TV and computer and just chatting. “Ask how their day was, did anything exciting happen. The importance of a happy marriage is to keep the communication line open,” Jill said.

Tips from our Moms

-If the school year is too hectic, plan weekly dates throughout the summer
-Consider an activity, like golfing, hiking, boating or tennis. You can have fun and get your blood pumping.
-Catch a movie that’s NOT G-rated.
-Enjoy a meal outside of the home to have a hot dinner without cutting someone else’s food.
-Most importantly – DON’T FEEL GUILTY, your long-term marriage will benefit your children too!


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