June 4, 2017

10 Tips for Homework Success



Back-to-school time means homework has begun. Below are a few ideas to keep your child, and yourself on track.

  1. Show interest in your child’s school work and review homework assignments. Research has shown that parental involvement increases the likelihood that a child will do their homework.
  2. Make homework a priority and try to do it the same time every night. Many families find it easiest to get homework done immediately after school – or following the after-school snack.
  3. Learn the teacher’s expectations at the beginning of the school year. Teachers may expect all homework is completed and turned in the next day, regardless of circumstances; but some teachers may allow a few days for weekly assignments. Chat with your child’s teacher and know what he/she expects.
  4. Call the teacher if you and your child are stumped. Assuming it’s not too late at night, give the teacher a call and ask for help. Many teachers give out their home phone numbers at the beginning of the year.
  5. Check the answer sheet. Nowadays many schools provide parents with answers to math homework either online or via weekly handouts.
  6. Monitor homework assignments. Some teachers, particularly in higher grades, will post homework assignments online. If you notice your child hasn’t been doing much homework lately, be proactive and check online and see if your child is completing assignments.
  7. Have a set place for homework. It’s easier for a child to concentrate on a homework assignment if there is a desk or table available that is free of clutter.
  8. Consider doing homework in small increments. If your child cannot sit still for 30 minutes, do 10 minutes, take a short (2-4 minute) break and then go another 10 minutes. For some children, taking 10 minute breaks may be required.
  9. Provide incentives, as applicable. Allow your child 15 minutes on the computer – or 15 minutes of playtime — for completing homework assignments.
  10. Praise your child. As work gets complete, and as your child takes initiative to do homework himself, compliment him: “Wow, you did such a great job taking out your math book and getting started on your homework as soon as you got home. You should really feel proud of yourself for getting your work done.”


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